Jacky Lai is back again for Strawberry Anaerobic Process!

(JACKY LAI – Limited Edition Strawberries Fermentation Process )

 衣索比亚 耶加雪菲 巫里处理厂 全红樱桃/厌氧特殊长时间发酵 慢速干燥21/01批次 240小時(草莓批次)

Country 国家 : Ethiopia 衣索比亚 

Production Area 产区 : SNNPR Region Gedeo Zone 盖迪欧, Yirgacheffe 耶加雪菲 Gedeb Woreda 歌迪贝, Worka-Sakaro Kebele 沃卡村

Producer 生产者 : Worka Wuri 沃卡。巫里处理厂 

Altitude 海拔      : About 1,900 – 2,100 meters 

Variety 品种       : Native Ethiopian (Heirloom), 衣索比亚古优原生种(Heirloom) 

Annual Rainfall 年雨量    : 1,500 – 2,000mm 

Treatment Method 处理法 : Whole fruit red cherry 全国红樱桃 , Natural special enzyme 天然特殊酵素,  Long-term anaerobic immersion fermentation 长时间厌氧浸渍发酵 , African-style scaffold single layer sun-drying 非洲式棚架单层日晒干燥

acky Lai 19/EXP02批次(草莓批次)风味短评


Strong and unrestrained aromas of rum, fermented cherries, grapes, blueberry chocolate, strawberry jam, and raisins. You can also feel the strong wine aroma at the first entrance, the flavors of rum grape ice cream, maraschino cherry, and grape jelly, then the sweet aroma of strawberry jam and peach, and the end of the blueberry chocolate and raisin aromas, the layers are complex and changeable.  

Beans is available in our website shop now or you may visit our showroom at Taman Perindustrian Saga Jaya, Perai.



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